designing by mel hero image
about mel
places mel hikes

about designing by mel

The very first site I created was for a gaming group about 23 years ago. Of course it’s no longer in existence but it was the creation of that site which ignited my passion for design. I’ve never stopped learning since then because web design is constantly evolving.

I have about 20 years of experience with creating web sites for clients. I map out the design with the client, create the graphics, work with the colors, the fonts, write the code to build the site, and implement the site to the web.

Some clients have found their way to me through a search of the net. Most new clients reach out based on the recommendation of an existing client they know. They are already familiar with my commitment and dedication to my craft.

Not all of my time is spent designing web sites. I also work in 3D digital illustration. The hero image on this page was made by me using multiple 3D programs and Photoshop. The inspiration for such visions comes from hiking in the forested areas around my home town.